A proven history of innovation
Our Story
Since 1980, the founders of Triad Labs, Greg Adams and Larry Triplett, have been developing innovative technology solutions for health care workflow and data collection problems.
In 2016, one founder (Larry) was diagnosed with frozen shoulder and had a chance to experience the rehab process from the patient’s perspective. Together, Greg and Larry realized the benefits that VR could offer to the patient experience: real-time data collection, dynamic adaptivity, less attention to pain, and greater visibility to progress reporting for clinicians and patients.
The founders have assembled a team of developers, therapists, and researchers to achieve this vision with initial focus on upper extremity pathologies. In 2018, initial tests were performed, and the Reach system has continued to be developed and enhanced ever since.
The Reach Mission
To improve the patient experience for rehab by using innovative, immersive, and enjoyable exercise experiences for data collection, reporting, and dynamically developed care paths.
About the Founders
The founders have been successful business partners since 1980, when they founded Resource Systems after graduating from Muskingum University. The company’s flagship product, Caretracker, solves data collection challenges in the long term care market. By the time they sold the company to Cerner Corporation in 2011, more than a quarter of the nursing homes in the U.S. were using Caretracker.
Greg Adams
Larry Triplett
Adams served as Mayor of New Concord, Ohio for 26 years and Triplett was instrumental in the founding of MCBI, a regional business incubator designed to assist startups and entrepreneurs. They both serve on numerous boards and are active with philanthropic endeavors related to healthcare, education, and entrepreneurship.
Shoulder health— for life!
Studies show that daily shoulder and arm movement is a key component of staying healthy. The Reach system will challenge you to advance and keep you at your best. Ready to get started?